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Installation of TechSoft Design V3 using Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune


This article details how to package the network MSI file with corresponding tsd.dat file for installation using Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune.

If you have not done so already, please first read our general network installation instructions page and follow through Step 1 to create the MSI and tsd.dat files.

Installation of the MSI on Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune

You will first package the MSI with corresponding tsd.dat file into a .intunewin file using the steps below and then upload this to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager. (If you are interested, you can find additional information at this link here.)

  1. As per Microsoft's instructions, go to Click on the green Code button as highlighted in the image below and select Download ZIP, then return to these instructions.

  2. Browse to the downloaded .zip file and extract it.

  3. Within the extracted folder, you will find a file called IntuneWinAppUtil.exe. Double-click on this to run the exe and a window should pop-up as below.

  4. Now locate the MSI with corresponding tsd.dat file made earlier. In this example, I have moved these into a folder called "C:\Intune Preparation\TechSoft Design V3 Input" as per the screenshot below. No matter which folder you use, you need to make sure there is nothing else in the folder other than these two files.

  5. Now create an empty folder on your computer to contain the .intunewin file which will be created. In this example, I have created a folder called "C:\Intune Preparation\TechSoft Design V3 Output" as per the screenshot below. No matter which folder you use, you need to make sure there is nothing in this folder.

  6. Go back to the pop-up window and enter in the paths of the folders you have used above. In this example, the paths would be:

    Please specify the source folder: C:\Intune Preparation\TechSoft Design V3 Input
    (Change the path to the appropriate location on your computer)

    Press Enter.

    Please specify the setup file: C:\Intune Preparation\TechSoft Design V3 Input\x64_TechSoft_Design_V3_Network.msi
    (Change the path to the appropriate location on your computer)

    Press Enter.

    Please specify the output folder: C:\Intune Preparation\TechSoft Design V3 Output
    (Change the path to the appropriate location on your computer)

    Press Enter.

    Do you want to specify catalog folder (Y/N)? N

    Press Enter.

  7. The .intunewin file should now be created in the output folder location.

  8. Log into Microsoft Endpoint Manager and click on Apps on the left hand side, followed by All apps and finally Add.

  9. On the right-hand side menu, click on the dropdown and select Windows app (Win32), then click Select.

  10. Click on Select app package file and on the right-hand side menu click on the folder icon and browse to the intunewin package that was created earlier. Then click on OK at the bottom of the side menu.

  11. Tab 1: App Information. Details of the app will now appear. The only entry that requires filling out is Publisher where you can enter TechSoft UK Ltd. You can also change the other fields if appropriate for yourselves.

    Please remember the App Version which is automatically displayed here as you will need to use this later on.

    Finally, click Next.

  12. Tab 2: Program. Leave the entries here as default. Click Next.

  13. Tab 3: Requirements. For Operating system architecture select either 32-bit or 64-bit corresponding to whichever MSI you selected earlier. For Minimum operating system you can select the oldest version in the list. You can also change the other fields if appropriate for yourselves. Finally, click Next.

  14. Tab 4: Detection rules. Drop down on Rules format and select Manually configure detection rules. Then click the +Add button.

    On the side bar, select Rule type as MSI, leave the product code as default, and select MSI product version check as Yes. Change the Operator to Equals and in the Value box enter the app version that you remembered earlier from tab 1.

    Finally, click OK and then click Next.

  15. Tab 5: Dependencies. Leave the entries here as default. Click Next.

  16. Tab 6: Supersedence. If you are updating an older version of the software, you can enter the older version here. Otherwise leave the entries here as default. Click Next.

  17. Tab 7: Assignments. You should now assign the app to your users/devices as appropriate. (We recommend you test this on one computer first to make sure everything is set up correctly and then edit this option later to all your computers once you are satisifed.) Click Next.

  18. Tab 8: Review + create. If you are happy with all the settings, click Create.

  19. Now sit back and let Microsoft Endpoint Manager create the app and distribute to your computers.

Content Date: 12/04/2024

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